Title: DES MOINES BASED SOLDIERS RETURN FROM MIDDLE EAST Body: Approximately 80 Soldiers will be honored in a community welcome home ceremony for the Headquarters and Headquarters Company of the 734th Regional Support Group, 29 Oct. at 12 p.m. at the Des Moines International Airport, Endeavor Air hangar. Released: 10/27/2021 Source: IAGUARD

Army Guard soldiers who will be mobilized on federal orders must get a COVID-19 vaccine ahead of a… Source: NGAUS

A group of Senate Democrats wants to establish a nonpartisan, independent commission to review the… Source: NGAUS

Title: IOWA NATIONAL GUARD WELCOMES FIRST FEMALE ENLISTED INFANTRY SOLDIER Body: Last month, an Ankeny woman returned from basic training and became the first female enlisted infantry Soldier in the Iowa National Guard. Released: 10/25/2021 Source: IAGUARD

Title: IOWA AIR NATIONAL GUARD RECEIVES MOBILZATION ORDERS Body: Approximately 65 Airmen from the 185th Air Refueling Wing in Sioux City and 132d Wing in Des Moines recently received stateside deployment orders in support of Operation Allies Welcome. Released: 10/18/2021 Source: IAGUARD

The Army has outlined its plan to comply with the Defense Department’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate… Source: NGAUS

The House overwhelmingly approved its version of the National Defense Authorization Act last week,… Source: NGAUS

The White House budget office has officially come out against the creation of a Space National… Source: NGAUS

Deaths from COVID-19 within the military continue to rise, with the most recent coming exclusively… Source: NGAUS

The future of a potential Space National Guard is one of several big questions up for debate when… Source: NGAUS
