Title: Iowa National Guard “Maintains” Winning Tradition Body: For the third year in a row, Soldiers from the Iowa National Guard field maintenance shop (FMS) in Cedar Rapids were awarded the Army Award for Maintenance Excellence (AAME) on 24 Feb. Released: 2/25/2021 Source: IAGUARD

Three members of the Idaho Army National Guard died Feb. 2 after their UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter… Source: NGAUS

National Guard soldiers and airmen are vaccinating about 72,000 people each day as part of the… Source: NGAUS

Republican lawmakers have begun to question the continued presence of National Guardsmen on Capitol… Source: NGAUS

Tens of thousands of Guardsmen have served in Washington, D.C. in recent weeks, helping to protect… Source: NGAUS

Democrats working on a pandemic relief plan are hoping to include language that would close a… Source: NGAUS

The Army National Guard has launched a new ad campaign that brings a hopeful message to potential… Source: NGAUS

More than 24,400 National Guard soldiers and airmen remain on COVID-19 related duties across the… Source: NGAUS

Deputy Defense secretary David Norquist will helm the Pentagon on an acting basis once the… Source: NGAUS

President Joe Biden ended the declaration of national emergency on the southern border as one of… Source: NGAUS
