Title: IOWA NATIONAL GUARD FOOD SERVICE SECTION COMPETING IN NATIONWIDE CULINARY SKILLS COMPETITION Body: For the first time in more than 20 years, Iowa Army National Guard food service Soldiers are competing for the national title in the U.S. Army’s Food Service Excellence awards program for reserve component units. Released: 1/30/2020 Source: IAGUARD

All uniformed personnel should see a boost in their January pay checks with the 3.1% pay raise.… Source: NGAUS

Legislation that would expand eligibility for a veteran housing program is one step closer to law… Source: NGAUS

Title: Adjutant General of Iowa 2020 Condition of the Guard Address Body: Maj. Gen. Corell's comments to the Iowa General Assembly. Released: 1/21/2020 Source: IAGUARD

WASHINGTON (Jan. 6, 2020) — Deployed National Guardsmen and Reservists now have benefits parity… Source: NGAUS

James McPherson, the president’s nominee to be under secretary of the Army, answered questions… Source: NGAUS

One of the nation’s largest family garages sits here in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains… Source: NGAUS

Leaders in Congress are optimistic that a new, nearly $1.4 trillion spending deal will be approved… Source: NGAUS

A federal court has ruled the Department of Veterans Affairs cannot force veterans to relinquish… Source: NGAUS

President Donald Trump signed the fiscal 2020 National Defense Authorization Act into law late last… Source: NGAUS
