Veterans and current service members are eligible for free meals and other special deals at many… Source: NGAUS

Severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2, known as coronavirus-19 or COVID-19, continues to challenge… Source: NGAUS

Following weeks of rumors about his eminent departure — whether voluntary or involuntary — Defense… Source: NGAUS

Speculation of what of a Joe Biden cabinet could look like has already begun. Biden is also… Source: NGAUS

The Army says a new readiness framework will help drive training and modernization efforts while… Source: NGAUS

Fourteen Senators — all Democrats — have written Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson, the chief of the National… Source: NGAUS

The Army is rethinking its reliance on Combat Training Center rotations as it seeks to relieve some… Source: NGAUS

An unprecedented year has meant unprecedented missions and unprecedented attention for the Army… Source: NGAUS

The Army National Guard has exceeded its annual strength goals, despite a year marked by the… Source: NGAUS
