The Air Force has a new top officer after welcoming Gen. Charles “CQ” Brown as the service’s 22nd… Source: NGAUS

All for One

Aug 10, 2020

Senior leaders from six states gathered at the nation’s largest military installation earlier this… Source: NGAUS

During retired Col. Les’ Melnyk’s 30-year career in the Army National Guard, no one ever spoke to… Source: NGAUS

Lawmakers in both parties and both chambers have teamed up on legislation that would credit service… Source: NGAUS

At least 35 states and territories have asked the White House to extend the authority to use the… Source: NGAUS

President Trump on Monday extended the Title 32 deployment of National Guard soldiers and airmen… Source: NGAUS

The Army Guard has begun to reorganize its combat force into eight divisions. The change is meant… Source: NGAUS

Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made a case last week for changing the… Source: NGAUS

The National Guard Bureau welcomed a new leader Monday during a unique ceremony shaped by the… Source: NGAUS

The NGAUS legislative staff continues to be in consistent communication with the Trump… Source: NGAUS
